Friday, January 7, 2011

little quirks

although michael and I have known each other for a very long time, there are little quirks about him that i had no idea, and im sure the same was for him. I thought i would share that with you:

-i leave bobby pins and q tips EVERYWHERE
- i have no problem using michaels toothbrush
-i sometimes forget to flush the toilet
- if i eat a piece of chocolate in a foil wrapper i always ball it up and throw it somewhere. this drives michael crazy haha whenever he see's it he makes me track down my wrapper and properly throw it away.
-i pick my boogers, i used to flick them but i have learned that dogs will eat anything. win win.

-he will not let me be in the bathroom with him while he is brushing his teeth... i know.
-he will not let me go to bed without him and he wont go to bed without me. almost everynight this is our conversation:
me "baby i need to go to bed"
michael "its only 11:40"
me"i know but i am tired"
michael "please, just one more (insert tv episode here)"
me "fine"
-after he buys something new at the store, he CANNOT wait to go home to open it. He is literally opening things in the car (even though we live across the street from target, which is where we get most of his new toys)
-he spends real money on fake world of warcraft money. I will never win this battle.
-he likes to undress in the living room instead of the bedroom
-whenever he calls for me at my work he 95% of the time pretends he is a customer and tries to trick me. it never works :)

oh the things you learn while married :)

1 comment:

  1. This cracked me up! I love it when married couples get to know the "REAL" version of themselves! LOL
