Saturday, November 17, 2012

spill all saturday

I missed fess up friday, so i decided on spill all saturday. anyways here is my embarrassing story for this week:

the one where I ruin any chance of dating Travis Rodowick:
So last post I talked about how in elementary school i was a bit of a teachers pet, well now I am in junior high. Arguably the most awkward stage of youth, in my case that is nothing but the TRUTH. I made the decision to no longer be a teachers pet anymore (mainly because I now had like 7 teachers and I just cant handle that) and I instead went into a whole new direction. Let's just say I was a free spirit. Yes I might have worn mis-matched toe socks and capes to school (only on special occasions) and yes maybe my dad was terribly embarrassed of me when we went out in public. But I had a blast in Junior High. Me and Lisa Stever (now Williams) were pretty much lovers of life. we were just crazy. all. the. time. But she at least dressed normal. Sometimes we would get bored and decide to do random things like call the radio stations and see how long we could keep them on the phone until they hung up, or we would have people "adopt a pet" (the pet being pictures of animals we found on clip art in word and printed out onto paper..and to adopt you just had to sing your name underneath the picture...) anyways that should paint you a pretty colorful picture of what I was like. Also along with the toe socks and capes I had braces..and no make up...and I would put my hair in ponytail and pull it so tight on my head that I looked bald, I also had no boobs which I guess was important to boys in jr. high (found that out the hard way) So to say the least I was not a looker. but i was completely enamored by Travis and had been since 7th grade. It was now 8th grade and we had a class together! (which i was super stoked about.) Now I understood that I wasnt one of the pretty girls, but I was thoroughly convinced I could win him over with my personality. (I mean who WOULDNT have a good time with someone who wore colorful socks with shorts) So i made it my personal goal in life to be his friend, and then after a little bit of that he would realize that even though some might say i was unattractive he would still like me and decided to be my boyfriend. It was going pretty well, at least on my side. We would partner up in drama and have inside jokes with each other and then one day we watched a movie in class.

side note - at my junior high we had to wear our ID tags on our persons at all times. It was a safety precaution (ghetto)

anyways I was busy during the movie trying to charm Travis into falling in love with me by stealing his ID card (obviously theft is how you get people to like you) and he was trying to get it back and then we got in trouble. so he turned around (he was sitting in front of me), I slouched down and we watched the movie. This is also the moment that I learned that i have the tendency to chew on things when I am not paying attention. The movie ended, the lights came on and Travis turned around. A look of disgust overtook his face and I was so confused and then I realized that I had his ID card shoved halfway in my mouth and I was gnawing on it like a dog with a bone. I slowly removed it from my mouth and a long string of saliva followed as it came out. I offered it back to him..he said no thank you (and you get a detention if you dont have your ID card, so I must have REALLY grossed him out) and I knew right then that I just ruined my chance of ever dating him. Instead he dated Julianna Higgins ...and I stayed single until junior year.
but at least by then I ditched the toe socks.

the end :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012


i love my family. a lot :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

fess up friday

one of my favorite things to listen to are peoples embarrassing stories. I think they are hilarious. so I thought it would be fun to share some of my own

1. the one where I pee my pants:
Some of you went to junior high/elementary school with me, most of you did not, so let me describe myself to you in two words: "teacher's pet" or "brown nose." My goal in life was to be the perfect pupil and have the teacher on my side (this might explain how i could count all my friends on one hand growing up) Anyways I was in fourth grade (yep fourth grade) and I went to Grafton Elementary in Knights Landing. My teacher passed out bathroom passes weekly, and whenever we didnt use ours he would give us a mini candy bar. Well you might not know this about me, but I am slightly obsessed with sweets, so obviously i held out for that candy bar EVERY week and for some reason I also felt like it made my teacher like me more. I prided myself in the ability to hold it for hours. I thought it was a gift, i thought i had a bladder of steel. Well one day we were just getting back from recess and I though "dang i really have to pee" (obviously I would never spend precious recess time using the bathroom.) But i couldnt let myself or Mr. Carter down, I was determined to hold it. So I held it...and held it...and i was sitting on my foot, and bouncing up and down, and finally I decided that I am going to have to sacrifice my sweet candy bar and just use my bathroom pass. At this point I was dancing around my little seat and then it hit me! I needed to go RIGHT THEN. So I rip my binder open and claw through it but i see SO many bathroom passes (i guess i got some kind of satisfaction from keeping all the ones i never used?) and I couldnt find the right week! So at this point the teacher is asking all of us to take our seats and everybody is staring at me (including my teacher ) because i was the only one not sitting in my seat; instead i am sitting on my legs on the floor flipping through my binder like a maniac.... and then it just goes...and i slowly look up...and every pair of eyes are on me.

and i had no idea what to do

so i gestured to my friend Yessenia to come over. So while everybody is still staring at me and my teacher is asking if i am ok I whisper to my friend "i just peed my pants"
Let me pause and just say how great my friend was for not laughing at me right at that moment
She grabbed my sweater and covered my bottom half as we shuffled sideways to the bathroom.

Well to give you a little more background information my mother was a teacher at that elementary school and it was about 45 min away from my house, so unfortunately I did not have the option of having my parents pick me and take me to ice cream as i wallow in my self pity and they comfort my bruised ego. Instead I had to dig through the lost and found and try to find some strangers pants/socks I could wear since mine were covered in pee. I spent the rest of the day in baggy boy shorts and mismatched socks with soaked shoes (because my mother made me wash them in the bathroom sink) So from then on i was pretty much the girl who peed herself when she was 10. Even though I tried to play it off like I just ripped my pants ("then why was it wet when you stood up?" Dang, they saw right through me!)

Thankfully I moved schools the next year (unrelated) and I never saw any of them again!

the end

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

10 months old

My little Ella bean is 10 months old!

at 10 months ella:

- loooves to babble, she will yell and whisper and talk and point all day! her newest vocabulary word is "whats that" (whasstha) she likes to point at new things and ask what they are, what a cutie
- DESPISES getting dressed. She fights it EVERY TIME. she literally screams like she is in pain, like we are torturing her. I am not kidding, its a battle
- was sleeping through the night but this last week i think she started teething because she literally wakes up 4-5 times a night, just crying out in pain.. poor thing, i hope its over soon! its so heartbreaking to hear her cry all night
- is obsessed with magnets
- her favorite thing to drink in the world is water
- is not a fan of strawberries
- she just starting to venture out to standing on her own, usually she stands a second or two before she decides to sit down
- she is also obsessed with keys
- loves to dance and we like to have dance parties at our house every now and then, i need to capture it on video!
- has a ticklish spot - her tummy! she does these big belly laughs whenever you tickle around her belly button
- eats everything we eat, even meats. but her favorites are either dessert (mainly ice cream) or Pickles. for real is this my daughter or what
- she likes to say "ooooooh" a lot. its pretty cute :)

she is such a joy in my life and i am so grateful i have her!