Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The future Mary Cray

So a word to the wise. Don't volunteer to do anything, unless you have done it before. Let me explain. My friend, Karlie Jean Cornell, is pregnant with twins. TWINS! (a boy and a girl) and i was trying to think of something I could do that would be fun and special for her baby shower. Well michael's mom is straight up jesus christ at making/decorating sugar cookies, and i always thought it would be fun to do something like that. So silly little me told karlie that i would be making pink and blue giraffe sugar cookies for her shower (please note that i have NEVER tried decorating sugar cookies before, but i guess that didn't matter to me at the time) so i was getting all excited about these cookies because, in my head, they were super cute and so i was telling everybody! so then karlies mom (who is also my boss) asked if i could make them for the work baby shower as part of the shower decorations/food (sure! no prob)...and later in the week she asked if i could make them for a separate shower that their family was doing (uhh maybe i should try to make these things before i say yes to all this)
so that weekend before the shower i tried to make them. two words. EPIC FAIL. they were awful, i mean truly atrocious. i tried decorating five of them and i was getting so frusterated with them being ugly that i ate them all (hence no pictures)

So i went into work the next day and i was just like...uhh i cant make these cookies, like seriously i suck at this. but i was comforted by very nice co-workers that had some faith in me. so i took the day before the shower off so i had all day to try and make these suckers. it took over 18 hours, but i did it.

this was try number 1:

this was try number 2:

ok so obviously neither of these looked i made a backround frosting, just outlining

ok this is not too bad:

hey this might work!

so almost 100 cookies later...and a very messy kitchen


maybe one day i will be ask good as my mother in can dream anyway :)


  1. I love them!!! They look SOO cute :) You did so well! I tried stupid sugar cookies for Christmas for the neighbors and it was awfully hard...I made like twenty total and threw the dough in the trash haha

  2. thanks! i would have never guessed how hard it is. haha i know the first time i tried to make them i made like five and then i threw away the rest of the dough. haha

  3. HAHAHA I was laughing so hard at this retelling it to Mitch I started crying. But they ended up SO cute!! Hopefully they tasted good too? And why has it been FOREVER since we've seen you guys? And, I love your messy kitchen...mostly because I've never seen it like that. It's always so spiffy looking when we come over. Love you!
