Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the BIG news

well if you are reading this you are probably already my friend on facebook and know that i am pregnant, but i am going to announce it again anyways and explain how it happened!

Ever since my friend karlie had her adorable twins i was seriously considering trying for a baby (yes call me crazy, but i had baby fever like no other) but i knew that my life would be a billion times easier if i just finished school first. i only have like 2 years left and i am only 21 so i have pleeenty of time for babies. so for a month or so michael and i were going back and forth trying to decide what we want to do and what our goals are. well we finally decided to wait to try at least a few years because michael is thinking of getting his PhD or some sort of higher education so we have a long road of schooling a head of us. thus the decision was made to go in that week and get an iud (which will last like 5 year.) one day i got home from work and i had to go to the bathroom and i started to go, and i stopped myself because i remembered i had a random pregnancy test that i should take to make sure i am not pregnant before i make the dr. appt. so i finished piddling on the stick and set it on the counter. i was a couple weeks late but my cycle is WAY random and i am usually always sporadic so i wasnt too concerned. well i went out into the living room and totally forgot that i took the pregnancy test! i ate dinner, watched a movie, cleaned up, etc and about 4 hours after i took the test i got a call from michael. so while i was talking to him about his day and what we wanted to do that night i was walking aimlessly around our apartment and i went into my bathroom and i spotted the stick. i TOTALLY forgot i took it, so i took a look, not even worried (i really did not think i was pregnant) and there was a plus. a faint little plus. and michael was in the middle of saying something and i said "michael i took a pregnancy test a few hours ago and i just saw it and its saying its positive, im seriously not messing with you there is a plus sign" well we both started freaking out and i had to run to walmart to buy some more pregnancy tests to make sure!! so i got dressed super quick (i broke the zipper on my favorite pair of jeans :/ ) and i ran across the street to walmart with michael on the phone. so i bought one, ran into the walmart bathroom and took a little wiz. within a minute a big YES popped into the screen. so i went out to my car, called michael and we just sat on the phone crying with happiness and complete shock. I then called my sister and continued to sit in the walmart parking lot in my car, crying. it was such an exciting moment and i just couldnt believe it was real!
well after a couple of scary dr.s appointments where we weren't sure if i was going to miscarry or if i just wasnt as far along as i thought i was, we finally figured out that my due date is January 5th, 2012 and i will be 8 weeks on thursday! so far our little bean is developing perfectly and our next appointment is in two weeks! i cant wait and i hope that everything goes ok.
so far pregnancy is SO much harder than i thought it would be. i am tired ALL the time, even though i get at least 10-12 hours of sleep a night i still want to take naps all the time! that is all i think about when im at work! not to mention i am not holding anything down and am running to the bathroom at least 3 times a day. i have no idea how woman do this, especially if its not their first and they have to take care of other little kiddies! i dont know how i am going to do that when that time comes. but i have heard that by the second trimester i should be feeling back to normal and i am crossing my fingers that its true! i will definately keep this updated and start posting picture of my baby bump! (not that i have one yet, but i will!) michael has been SO amazing. he does all the laundry, all the cleaning, all the cooking...basically everything. so all i have to do is go to sleep and go to work. i am very lucky :)