Monday, October 4, 2010


So i have decided to be better at updating this. Haha it has almost been a year since i have put something up, so i thought it was in need of a major update. So lets start from the beginning.

1. We moved to Utah in Dec of 2009 and have been there ever since. We were at first sharing a house with michaels cousin and his new wife, but after a few months we all decided to get our own place, so since April we have been living in Southwillow Apartments (a special little place that causes a lot of stress which i am sure i will blog about in the future)

Our little basement while we shared a house with michaels cousin

2. I work full time at lighting design selling lights. Yep, lights, chandeliers, sconces, pendants, exterior, flushmounts, anything you can think of. I never in my life would have guessed that i would know the average blade pitch of a ceiling fan (which is 14 degrees) or the million different types of light bulbs there are (i dont even want to bore you with that knowledge.) So that is my job, telling people what lights go good together, and trying to find the one fixture they are picturing in their head out of hundreds of catalogs. Although working with vein rich woman and pompous contractors is most of the time frustrating, it's not too bad and most of the time the good outweighs the bad.

3. Michael and I bought a dog a while ago (in march i believe) his name his Harvey Danger. We were out driving and decided to stop at this random pet store, just to see what they had. We went inside and we saw him and we were done. We had no plans of getting a dog, we certainly couldnt afford one, nor did we have the space to raise one. But once we asked to hold this itty bitty calm little guy, we fell in love. Now for those of you who have not purchased a dog yet, let me give you a bit of a warning. While you are looking out of a group of pups you might think you would want to go for the calmest and most relaxed of the bunch, but let me tell you NO! Even if he is cuddling with you and lightly licking your hands and you dont even hear a whimper out of him, he is playing you, straight up playing you. Because that is what our Harvey did, he cuddled, he licked, he didnt even whine and we were thinking we would have this tiny little calm cuddley dog to come home to. Oh how wrong we were. Even though we absolutely love this little guy, he is the cute dog version of satan on speed. Yep i said it, the devil himself is in our cute little creature and i am convinced he he has a secret stash of illegal substances which give him so much energy. But we still love him all the same and he is part of our little family.

4. Michael did work at a used car dealership, but he hated it and he wasnt getting paid anything. Seriously he worked 50 hour weeks and his paychecks (which were bimonthly) were barely over $400! So he met a nice pakistani family while working at the car dealership that owns it own little trinket shop and they needed a cashier. Michael took the job without hesitation and now he loves his job and makes a decent amount. His boss is great, and we feel so lucky to have met them and for the opportunity they have given michael.

5. We have not gone back to school yet(i know, i know) but we are in the process of applying everywhere for the spring semester, and i am pushing michael for us to start in jan and just get it done!

We have met some really great friends here and i love being close to mallory and mitch who we play with every so often. I love have my own little life with michael and harvey and our own little home. All in all i am so much happier then i ever dreamed i would be and i hope it stays that way!

1 comment:

  1. Im sure it will stay that way. I feel like things just get better and better, even when you think they can't and despite trials! Im glad you're updating again! It will be nice to stalk you! :)
