Friday, May 10, 2013

fess up friday fifth edition

It is safe to say that whilst in my youth I was a bit of a character.I pretty much did silly things with my friends all the time and because of modern technology, was able to record it. But these pictures and videos are safely stored on my computer, away from the public eye...or so i thought...

fast forward to Christmas day 2012. We are having dinner at my parents with my grandparents and siblings with their significant others. I am in the kitchen with my mom, helping her clean up when I hear my dad say "You guys have to see this video. I was cleaning out my old computer when I came across a bunch of videos, I have to show you."
and then I hear christina aguilaras "genie in a bottle" and that takes me back to high school when my friends and I would create silly dances that we would sometimes record....WAIT A SECOND

I sprint out into the living room "NOOO dad DONT show them!"
but it was too late.
this gem was already halfway through and there was nothing I can do

the really terrible thing is there are literally 16 other videos (including a pregnant version) that they consecutively watched, laughing their heads off as I hid in the kitchen

the moral of the story is to delete any video of you doing embarrassing things with your friends because it will surface...somehow

*also I would like to apologize to the other dancers for posting this's funny

1 comment:

  1. I love these!! I don't think you realize how often you connect with people. You make it okay to recognize our less than shining moments and incorporate them into our individual brilliance.
    Keep em coming!!
