Thursday, July 12, 2012

six months!

Yes, we have reached it. The halfway mark until she is a toddler. but let me tell you, she is SO fun! at six months ella:

-weights 15.8 lbs (25%)
-is 26.5" long (50%)
- LOVES to talk - she says mammaa and daddaa and baba, unfortunately she says dada the most, but every time she says da i say mmmmmmma. hahah i WILL be the first word.
-is a busy body! she isnt crawling yet(thank goodness) but she loves to grab at EVERYTHING. and not crawling doesnt stop her, she will face plant hardcore if it means reaching that toy.
- doesnt sleep as well as she used to, she still does a good 7 hours at a time, but now she wakes up to get a bottle, but im not too upset because 7 hours is still pretty great. she does take about 3 naps a day, they range from about 45 min-2 hours.
- LOVES food- she eats bananas, applesauce, blueberry's, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, avocados, rice cereal. pretty much everything i have given her she likes, im so glad she isnt a picky eater! and if you are eating something while holding her you better believe she needs a bite or else she is pretty upset.
-is such a happy baby! she loves to smile and laugh and play. we drove to utah again last week and the whole trip (11 hours) she just hung out in her car seat. didnt cry, didnt whine, as long as she was fed and someone was there to talk to her she was a happy girl. we are SO lucky!
-when she is tired she talks the most and loves to study her hands
- her favorite toys are tags, wrappers, paper, basically anything that isnt a toy
-diaper changing is getting harder and harder, she just wants to roll and go! i usually have an object (sheet a paper) handy to distract her while i change her diaper.

she is such a love and we are having so much fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Love her! She is just adorable and love three pictures of her and mikey they look so much alike! :) miss you!
