Tuesday, July 24, 2012

ella 7 months

well ella has been busy this month, learning SO many new things!

-she is starting to crawl! she usually can only go for a little bit before she gets tired, but then she just goes down to her belly and scoots!
-claps! when she gets excited she claps and bounces on her bum! its so cute
-is starting to wave, she wont do it all the time, but when she does, it totally melts your heart
-still no teeth! she loves to gnaw on just about anything, but i dont feel any teeth coming in yet. thats ok, i am not looking forward to the biting phase
- is eating more and more baby food and loves just about everything i give her
- doesnt sleep well anymore (is this the same baby that would sleep 8-10 hours a night?) she usually wakes up about 4 time a night, most of the time she just wants her paci but sometimes she wants a bottle and chugs it down. Im trying to stuff her with more baby food and cereal during the day, hopefully that will get her through the night!
- is going to the beach for the first time this weekend, we'll see how she feels about sand!
-still loves tv
- loves music! she loves just about everything and whenever she is losing it, i just bust out a song and she starts laughing and "singing" with me!

I cant believe in 5 months she is going to 1 year. Ah! time to start planning!

1 comment:

  1. Love those new pictures!! She is so cute!! Michael was and still is always calmed by music! So nice! Lol also, around this tinge michael decided not to sleep thru the night anymore, seriously get the book healthy sleep habits, happy baby. Life saver!! Seriously worked for us in like 3-4 days!
