Tuesday, April 24, 2012

ella is 4 months!

Wasnt I just writing her 3 month post?
anyways we are LOVIN life and how much she is growing! she is getting more of a personality everyday and i DIG it!
at 4 months Ella:

Belly Laughs - its SO great

eats 3-9 oz every 2-4 hours...it really just depends on what she feels like

is getting better at tummy time, she went 6 whole minutes in a row, which is a new record for her! wahoo!

has yet to roll over, and honestly has not really even tried, but we are working on it!

LOVES to stand up

is learning to sit up! she can go about 10 seconds without falling over

tries to hold her bottle ALL the time, sometimes i let her, sometime i dont :)

is a lover of sleep (thank goodness) she usually will sleep 8-10 hours a night. HALLELUJAH!

has outgrown her 0-3 month clothes pretty much (WHY?!! im not ready for this!)

her favorite song EVER is gwen stefanis "Holla Back Girl" she DIES laughing when we dance to it

is going to go on her first roadtrip to see her best friend (aka cousin Tessa) on Thursday

has found her feet

LOVES to watch TV, we are going to have to be careful with this one!

loves hair, she never really pulls it, she runs her fingers through it or just holds it, she even tries to do it to her own hair :)

It is insane how much more i fall in love with her everyday, she is the greatest thing that has happened to michael and me and we are SO HAPPY!

**4 month photos coming soon

i love my chubby baby :)


  1. She is so big!! I can't believe how fast its gone! She is just adorable! Can't wait to meet her! Hopefully, june!
