Thursday, January 26, 2012

now that im a mom...weird

1.) First off, how was your pregnancy? I am going to be honest, the first 6 months kicked my trash, but after that it wasnt too bad, just uncomfortable.

2.) What week did you deliver? 38 weeks exactly

3.) Describe your labor: Well it was pretty intense. and that is all i am going to say. but honestly everything that i was scared of happening happened, and i survived just fine! I kind of feel like it bring it on when i have my next baby. haha

4.) What was your reaction when you first saw your baby? it was such a surreal moment, i think i said hello a million times, and then i was so happy and content, i loved watching her

5.) How was postpartum? mm i am not going to go into details, but it was healing part was pretty rough and i did get the baby blues at night time for a bit, but besides that it was just fine and this baby girl was so worth it

6.) How is the post baby weight? not a problem, i lost all my muscle from my lack of working out while pregnant, so i think this is the thinnest i have ever been.

7.) Breastfeeding or formula? breastfeeding, but she has had formula and takes it like a champ :)

8.) How were the first couple nights with a newborn? it was pretty hard! just because you are so stinking tired. I think the entire first week i averaged about 3 hours a night, but the hard part was i was so worried! i have this HUGE fear of SIDS so i wouldnt let her sleep in bed with us, which we both didnt like, so she wouldnt sleep and in turn neither would i and then when she would i would stay up and make sure she could breathe. yea i was a little crazy. i have learned to relax a bit though :)

9.) What is one thing you wish you knew that you didn't before having your baby? mm i pretty much was prepared, i have had some great advice from a ton of people. but i would probably just tell myself to relax and not worry so much

10.) Your favorite thing about being a mom? I love how in love i am in with this little girl! I am literally obsessed with her! and all she does is poo, sleep and eat...and looks around. haha but i think she is the greatest thing EVER and the love i have for her is the best feeling in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, you are totally normal. The worry wears off a little bit but not so much. I remember being in the hospital with michael and trying to tell josh we had to take turns staying awake but we'd both been up for a day...Anyway, I remember :) Im so happy for you!
