Sunday, June 12, 2011

baby update

Well baby cray is 10 weeks and 3 days today!!! It is starting to go by fast which is great because I just cant wait to find out what it is! then the real fun starts and i can start buying stuff :) well symptons so far:

1. NAUSEA: holy moly. starting at week 6 I could not keep anything down. For about 2 weeks I was throwing up about 5-10 times a day. Finally I ended up having to go to the emergency room and getting 2 IVs because i was so dehydrated! which was actually a blessing because the doctor there prescribed me a couple medications which have been heavenly. Now I only get sick about 3 days a week instead of 24/7 which I never would have thought would be good news, but trust me IT IS! so far i have lost about 8 pounds but i gained back 2 since i have been on the prescriptions :)

2. fatigue: let me tell you what, i, sarah lorraine cray, have never been more tired in my life. even when i was playing soccer at byuh and we were doing 3-a-days, that was a piece of cake compared to this! getting ready in the morning is the worst part, i usually have to sit in the shower because im too tired to stand for more than 10 minutes at a time! usually i come home from work and take a nap til michael gets home (about 10:30) and then i eat a quick snack and go to bed. i get about 12-14 hours of sleep but it still isn't enough! i hope what they say is true, and that i will get my energy back after the first trimester! especially for michaels sake, who has picked up ALL of the cleaning and cooking duties (he is going to be such a good dad :)

3. my boobs are huge. HUGE.

4. constipation: ummm am i the only pregnant woman who has this? haha maybe im the only one who would blog about it. first of all i had no idea that this was a common symptom, but you definitely learn a lot of interesting facts about your body when you become pregnant. all i have to say is i took going number 2 for granted, now it is like a full out war. and that is all i am going to say about that. sorry if i grossed you out.

5. emotional: EVERYTHING makes me cry. a commercial, a pretty song that comes on the radio, anything. today i watched top chef (my favorite show) and i was bawling because a woman said she was expecting her second baby. that was it. she just said she was pregnant and i lost it. why? i have no idea. i just cry at everything.

well that is about it, my tummy is definitely getting bigger and harder, but it is probably more from bloating than anything else, i just cant wait til i have a baby bump so people know im pregnant, instead of just having a food baby!!

***9 weeks***

***5 weeks***

i will be better at posting baby bump pictures soon :)

1 comment:

  1. you have to admit though, no matter how much it sucks sometimes, being pregnant is the most amazing & most exciting thing ever!! i miss it now, especially the frigGIN BOOBS! haha.
